Tuesday, December 21, 2010

And the magic number is ...

I wondered what the magic number would be with regards to the months waiting to see if my thumb starts working like the rest of my fingers.  The answer?  7.  For seven months I have been watching in amazement as my radial nerve heals itself.  I say in amazement because it is truly fascinating. There have been odd tinges, moderate and severe pain, discoloration, swelling and too many other odd things to count.  I know that each and every thing that is happening is for a reason.  The biggest thing that I notice now is that my arm is starting to feel like it is mine.  I have spent months feeling like the arm attached to my body belonged to someone else.  I don't really know how to explain it, but my brain just didn't treat it the same.  I imagine that since the nerve is now healed at least 7" down my arm, at each major milestone the communications from the brain get better.

My thumb is starting to wake up and feel like it belongs, too.  I still have a good bit of numbness on the surface of my hand and I'm not sure if that will ever go away, but I can move the thumbs in ways that I have not been able to in the past.  It still feels like the tendons were replaced with tight rubber bands.  I can't quite extend completely, and although I can make a fist, it is very tight and stiff.

I know that there are still several months of healing left and perhaps the tightness will ease up and I won't have to think so hard when trying to move my thumb.  Until then, I will sit back in awe of the human body and it's magical healing powers and dream of the day I muster up the courage to get back on my bike.

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