Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time keeps on ticking ....

Holy cow!  The progress over the past 7 days has been remarkable.  The muscles are getting stronger every day and it feels really great.

I had my 5 month follow-up with the surgeon and he would like me to have another nerve conductivity test, scheduled in two days.  I'm not completely sure I understand why this is necessary since it does seem to be healing, but I am interested in seeing what they say with regards to my thumb.  My hope is that this will be able to either confirm that the healing radial nerve is growing back as it should, or if there is anything questionable going on.

We discussed the concern I have about the poor color in my hand and he assures me that there is no direct relationship between the radial nerve and the circulation.  Both he and the physical therapist say that the small vessels are just not having the blood pushed through as they should because of the weakness in the muscles.  I explained to him how blue it looks at times, especially after I have been running and I'll mention it to the Physiatrist when the EMG is done, but I am not going to worry about it at all since my Dr. isn't.  Whew!

My next follow-up with the surgeon is in 3 months.  Woo hoo!  I've graduated from 6 week follow-ups to 12!  :)

I'm feeling great!  Am now running 5 days a week and did a 5k this past weekend.  I have to say that between the chilly air and the arm, running does irritate my shoulder, but it's just great to be heading in the right direction and I am very close to feeling 100% recovered!  My hand will come back when it's ready, until then I just want to keep moving and feeling great.  Again I am extremely grateful for the surgeon, physical therapist and the most amazing and supportive friends!

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