Saturday, September 11, 2010

15 weeks .. but who's counting?

Unless you experience this type of injury it's a bit difficult to explain how .. s l o w..  the progress can be, but the key word is PROGRESS!  It has been 15 weeks and I am finally starting to see some sign of life in my hand and wrist.  I can now not only lift my wrist, but I can flex it back a little and lift my pointer finger, too!

The finger is very interesting.  I can lift it if I have some bend in the hand, but there is nothing happening if my wrist/hand are flat on the table.
The tops of my knuckles are really red and inflamed .. another little thing I expected to improve but doesn't ever seem to change.  Now that I have a little more strength in the wrist I try to wear my dynamic splint a little less and try to use my hand in hopes of getting some blood flowing and hopefully the swelling will improve.

If I put my hand flat on the table and try to lift my finger .. nothing!
I can lift my wrist, so my guess is that I just need to continue to be
patient and it will start working!

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