So, what is causing me all the trouble, you ask? Frozen Shoulder, otherwise known as adhesive capsulitis.
In the case of me, they believe it was from the high impact fall when I fractured my arm. My MRI impression reads:
- Extensive adhesive capsulitis with pericapsula edema and capsualar thickening
- Mild acromioclavicular osteoarthritis
- Moderate subacromial and subdeltoid bursitis
- Low-grade inrerstitial and possible bursai surface partial tear far anterior supraspinatus tendon
- Degenerative glenoid labrum and tendinosis of the extracapsular biceps tendon
Unfortunately, it takes a long time to regain range of motion after frozen shoulder, but I am reminded to be a "patient" patient. I'm waiting for the radial nerve so I'll wait for the shoulder to show me some love, too.