This whole experience just continues to be puzzling. I severely fractured my arm but it really didn't hurt. In the ER I thought it was shock, but a few days after surgery I decided that I must have a high tolerance for pain. The first real nagging pain came on the day it was set in a cast, 5 days post surgery. When I woke up from surgery, my arm was extended in a straight position and when it was set in the cast it needed to be bent to about 90 degrees. Bending the arm wasn't bad, but several hours later it was screaming in protest. But, that too passed.
It has been about 9 weeks and for the life of me I don't see any rhyme or reason to why I can have little to no pain one day, but the very next it starts hurting so bad I just want to chop it off. Some days I think that growing bone just hurts. Other days the bone feels great and I have aching muscles and then there are the days when it just aches all over. Weird. It's just all part of the healing process.
Today I am experiencing a new pain and it's not fun - at all! The pain is in the back of my arm, my triceps muscle and my hand and it hurts! Ugh. I wonder if it is the nerve. If nerve regeneration is painful then I am a little worried about this because I have months of nerve regeneration to look forward to. I'm crossing my fingers that this to shall pass.
The nerve regeneration I've experienced was VERY painful. It does level off and fade away as function returns. Sadly it is a S L O W progression or it certainly seems slow when the pain is in full swing. Hang in there. It is a 'good' pain.